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  • Career placement & advancement platform for veterans and their relatives

  • Certify as a High Trust Professional to get a raise or find a new job

  • Attract employers by displaying your High Trust Professional certification

  • Free and low-cost training courses for soft skills, leadership & trust factors

  • ChatGPT & neuroscience-generated LinkedIn profiles and resume copy

  • Introductions and promotion to employers and recruiters in our network

FREE for all veterans

Click for FREE assessment.  Yes, for your service, it's FREE!


3 Simple Steps to a better career...


Complete the 9-minute Career Quotient Indicator assessment


Complete the 90-minute Trust Factor training course


Use our ChatGPT CQ to enhance your resume & LinkedIn profile

Ready for Your Next Mission?

Take the CQI Assessment and receive...

  • High Trust Professional Certification*

  • Introduction & promotion to employers in our network

  • Visual neuroscience insights in 9 minutes

  • Right career and professional role analysis

  • Strengths, attributes, motivators, learning style

  • Ten critical soft skill and trust factor scores

  • Visual neuroscience versus text-based with 93% validity

  • Detailed (and really cool!) assessment report

  • ChatGPT & neuroscience-powered analysis & copy for:

    • Desired new position success probability​

    • Optimal new career considerations

    • Optimal companies for your soft skills & experience

    • Optimal LinkedIn copy for About & Current Position sections

    • Cover letter to apply for a desired position

RemotelyMe High Trust Professional Certified

Are you transitioning from military service, seeking a new position, or seeking a promotion?

If you're job searching or want a raise, recruiters and employers now want Certified High-Trust Professionals…because a new report from Deloitte says they drive 400% more business performance and 88% more customer loyalty. Start your certification process today in only 9 minutes (if you pass). Complete the process to receive a PDF High Trust Certificate. You can then place the High Trust Professional logo on your resume, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. to improve your value to a current or prospective employer.


Your detailed CQI Report includes a neuroscience and cognitive AI analysis of your soft skill balance, trust factors, profile overview, strengths, attributes, learning style, preferred keywords & images, leadership situation, and likely neurotransmitter balances. When you select a desired role, the system displays your success probability and soft skill scores for the new role. ChatGPT prompts are created to display career considerations, recommended companies, optimal LinkedIn profile copy, and personalized cover letters. 


Once certified, we'll introduce and promote you to employers in our network for specific roles where your soft skills and trust factors can ensure you'll shine and be excited about your profession.

"Gaining High Trust Professional certification makes me far more attractive to employers."

-Director of IT & Army Veteran

*High Trust Certification is only awarded to professionals with high CQI Trust scores and have completed the HITAP Trust Factor course. If you do not pass, you can retest in 90 days or receive a full refund.

RemotelyMe High Trust Professional Certificate


Most tests were invented decades ago and use text, which only appeals to 10% of your decision-making brain.


Almost all are annoying, take 45-minutes, use either/or questions, and only have a 67% completion rate.


Virtually none use neuroscience or AI, are mostly anecdotal, and have only 66% validity.


Nearly all tests are costly, complex, and may be legally risky given outdated DE&I questions and approaches.




Only RemotelyMe uses visual neuroscience that accesses 100% of your decision-making brain.


Our brains process images 60K times faster, so the CQ Assessment takes 9 minutes with a 97% completion rate.


RemotelyMe's visual neuroscience ensures an industry-leading 93% Cronbach's Alpha validity. 


RemotelyMe removes DE&I bias, is EEOC compliant, legally safe, and far less cost than most others.



Only RemotelyMe measures & improves these...

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We're a veteran-owned business dedicated to helping our fellow veterans and their relatives. We know how difficult it can be to attract employers or "fit in" outside a military environment. By certifying as a High Trust Professional, you can become far more attractive to and trusted by prospective or current employers. Why? Because recent Deloitte studies validate that high trust employees drive 400% more performance, 88% more customer loyalty, and 211% more retention. 


RemotelyMe's groundbreaking CQI assessment is the only one that can measure trust factors as directly related to oxytocin--a trust hormone in our brain. Unlike word-based tests that take 45 minutes and only access 10% of your decision-making brain with 67% validity, RemotelyMe's CQI takes 9 minutes and accesses 100% of your brain with an industry-leading 93% Cronbach's Alpha validity. This allows us to more accurately determine predominate attributes and soft skills related to specific positions and job requirements. We can help you determine where you'll shine the most and dazzle employers. 


Visual Neuroscience Assessments

  • Assess ten critical soft skills that drive success for specific roles (based on ONET, SHRM & Aventi Group data)

  • Match your neuroscience-based attributes against top performing professionals in similar roles

  • Assess for trust factors that can drive more engagement, productivity, and retention

Personalized Career Advancement & Trust-Building

  • Improve your trust and soft skill scores with a profile-personalized app that includes training courses

  • Increase your leadership, remote work, and collaboration knowledge and skills

  • Attract and gain recognition from employers by certifying as a High Trust Professional


Introductions and Promotion to Employers

  • Once you're certified, we'll introduce and promote you to employers in our network

  • Your High Trust certification can grant you "head of the line" status for job openings

  • Improve your soft skills for specific positions by using our Career Advancement Platform


“I discovered my true strengths and attributes to determine by best career path. This helped me attract a great employer and land a fantastic new job.” –Product Marketing Director, tech firm


“Using neuroscience to understand what makes me a trusted high performer was transformational to gain recognition and raise from my current employer.” --Operations Manager at a small business

Get a raise or get a job offer by certifying as a High Trust Professional.

White Room

What's our secret sauce, and how can it make a difference?

Start With Who ~ How Small to Medium Businesses Can Win Big with Trust and a Story

Validated neuroscience

Studies validate that trust is directly related to brain oxytocin. If it's high we trust. If not, we don't. RemotelyMe's patent pending system uniquely uses Visual Neuroscience to determine trust and critical soft skills.


Mike Paton and Mark O'Donnell, former and current Visionaries (CEOs) of EOS Worldwide, wrote the Foreword to the book Start With Who™, authored by W. Craig Reed, a New York Times bestselling author with a Harvard University Neuroscience Certification. Ken Blanchard, co-author of The New One Minute Manager®, says the book is "fascinating and...thought provoking." Reed's book validates the AI and neuroscience used by RemotelyMe--a veteran-owned business running on EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System). RemotelyMe's groundbreaking approach transcends text-based assessments that are 20% less accurate and 3X+ more expensive. If you run on EOS, so does RemotelyMe and we're an approved licensed EOS Worldwide partner with EOS Implementers® on our Advisory Board. Learn why EOS Implementers®, Visionaries™, and Integrators™ put their trust in RemotelyMe.


Visit for more information on his latest books.

RemotelyMe runs on EOS
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RemotelyMe Awards

Our Board Advisors

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